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Found 6946 results for any of the keywords 10 beta. Time 0.006 seconds.
Candle App Platform / News1. Candle now also runs on Windows x64, Ubuntu x64 and Fedora; 2. Various enhancements to Candle web server, including file upload support; 3. Various syntax clean-ups and bug fixes;
FreespireLinspire 14 Beta 1 is our premium distribution it contains everything you need for a home user. Whether you are a student, home office worker, gamer or contemporary home user Linspire contains all the tools, codecs and
Candle App Platform - Browse Files at SourceForge.netAn unified platform for desktop and Internet apps
Mobirise Builder | DribbbleMobirise Builder | Create awesome mobile-friendly websites. No coding and free. | Connect with them on Dribbble; the global community for designers and creative professionals.
WinRAR archiver, a powerful tool to process RAR and ZIP filesWinRAR is a Windows data compression tool that focuses on the RAR and ZIP data compression formats for all Windows users. Supports RAR, ZIP, CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZip, UUE, ISO, BZIP2, Z and 7-Zip
SeaMonkey NewsIn the last month freenode became a battleground between former admins and management. If you want to know more just use your favorite search engine and you will find all the information you need.
Linspire - The easiest Desktop LinuxWith Linspire 14, we have improved some underlying issues we had with Linspire 12 and have implemented fixes for Apples intel Mac systems, 5G and LTE networks, Virtual machine systems and better hardware compatibility fo
Penwarden Website Security Service ReportThe Penwarden Website Security Service Reports are raising the Standard in Website Security, stonewall Malware at the Gate, for Online Internet Security, to ward off malicious website Attacks.
SeaMonkey: Download ReleasesThanks for using SeaMonkey. Unfortunately, your platform is no longer supported by the latest stable version of our product so we cannot offer you an upgrade unless you upgrade your operating system.
LXer: Linux NewsIf you already have an account, you may login here:
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